Almost a month later, Day 1

I decided to shake out the last of my cobwebs and complete a writing challenge to get the juices flowing again. That was the last week in July and it’s now mid-August so those cobwebs are still fully entrenched.

Here goes nothing.

Image: Pink background with a fig sliced in half showing the fruit.
Text: The Fruits of Your Craft- A 30-Day Challenge for Experienced Witches

Day 1: What has been your most influential resource in your study of the Craft?

This answer feels both too big and too small.

The most obvious answer is The Internet. I found my Witchy footing in a time when my grandparents and most companies were not yet on Facebook, Twitter was just starting, Instagram was at most someone’s glimmer of a thought. Pinterest was still invite only. But there were vast amounts of blogs as far as the eye could see. I don’t recall all of the ones I visited during my beginning days; most of them aren’t available to view anymore. There was also a Witch social media that started out pretty great. As far as I can tell that is also no longer active or available. Like most all social media, it got toxic and then imploded.

I found a lot of my Witch information from books. Embracing my own skills with herbs and making blessing sachets was very powerful. Scott Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs lives in my spice cabinet with my Magick use mortar and pestle. It was the first “witch” book I ever acquired, sent to me by a Witch friend. I got my practice start by reading Cherokee Medicine books. Meditations with the Cherokee, Medicine of the Cherokee, and The Cherokee Full Circle all by J.T. Garrett were read multiple times. I have color-coded highlighter on different pages with corresponding sticky note flags showing me the pages. These were the first books I got and they helped me shift my mindset to Earth-centric thinking. I was in my second year of teaching, and my first year in North Carolina when I finally fully embraced the path. I was reading the YA fiction novel series House of Night by P.C. and Kristen Cast at the time as well. Both of these, fiction and inspirational, were cornerstones to my budding path. Michelle Skye’s Goddess Alive and Goddess Afoot are other go-to books that have been read multiple times. I did not discover these until later in my practice; Witchling and Witchlette were both part of my life and I had been a practicing Witch for just shy of a decade before I got them. I have since bought Norse Goddess Magic by Alice Karlsdottir and TAC’s publishing of The Havamal.

I believe the two most important, most influential resources in my craft have been my own writing and performing rituals and the real-life Magickal friends I have made along the way. Being able to create and share Magick with CotE was a big deal. It allowed me to share my perspective and invited others to do the same. While I am not presently active in CotE, I still have connections and friendships that have been made there and I hope to be present with the whole group dynamic again soon. S, S, R, and C- the Magick we made along the way is deeply meaningful and has carried me far. S and I still get together semi-regularly to celebrate Moons and Sabbats and practice Divination together. I saw S and C for the first time in a while but it was like no time had passed. I wish R well in wherever life has brought her.

Breaking through the last webs of doubt

If there is anything that keeps me writing, it is a writing challenge. Though, truth be told, I start more of them than I finish. This time will be different! This time I am going to use the writing challenge to finish shaking off the last webs of my Magickal slumber and fully awaken myself into my Witchy ways. I am posting the whole challenge here if anyone wants to write along with me. If you click on the fig, you will be directed to the original Tumblr post.

Fruits of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge

  1. What has been your most influential resource in your study of the Craft?
  2. What’s the biggest error or mistake that you feel you’ve made when working magick?
  3. What are your views on cursing, hexing, and binding spells? Has your view changed throughout your journey? Why or why not?
  4. What do you wish you had known as a beginner?
  5. How long have you been practicing witchcraft and why do you think you kept at it?
  6. What was the most intense or effective magical experience of your life?
  7. Have you explored other magical traditions alongside witchcraft? Do these influence your practices?
  8. Do you have a connection to a deity, pantheon, or certain aspect of the universe? How did this connection happen?
  9. Have your views on how magick works changed in any significant way over the years?
  10. Do you feel that practicing witchcraft has influenced your personal approach to ethics?
  11. What are your views about the “big questions” in life, like why we’re here, where we’re going, and where we come from? Have they changed since beginning your magical practice?
  12. Has practicing witchcraft changed your view on how the Universe works? Why or why not?
  13. What is your primary magical focus right now? What are your favorite subjects that you’ve studied in the past?
  14. Is there any aspect of the Craft that you considered but ultimately didn’t pursue? Why or why not?
  15. What has been your experience with the magical community thus far? What was good about it, and what was bad?
  16. What are your views on paranormal phenomena besides  witchcraft? How do you feel about things like ghosts, hauntings, and ESP?
  17. What has been your experience with divination? Do you think it is accurate?
  18. Do you keep a Book of Shadows or grimoire? What form does it take, and why?
  19. Have there been any major turning points in your time within the Craft? What were they like?
  20. If you could change one thing (large or small) about the way magick works, what would it be and why?
  21. Do you have a spiritual or physical familiar? Why or why not?
  22. Have you ever felt “stuck” or “lost” in your practice? If so, how did you overcome that?
  23. Do you feel that your way of interacting with others has changed during your journey? If so, how?
  24. Have you ever been unsure about continuing your practice? If so, what was it like?
  25. Have you had any frightening or upsetting experiences while practicing witchcraft? If so, what were they like?
  26. What kind of witch do you identify as (if anything specific)?
  27. What kind of witch do you hope to be in the future?
  28. What’s your favorite magical practice and why?
  29. Do you feel as if witchcraft has significantly changed you as a person?
  30. What advice do you have for beginner witches?

Reawakening the Witch

We don’t need to rehash recent history to figure out what has happened and why I fell off this platform. The election, the stacked court, the politically fueled violence, knowing that it is not the same in other places- in other countries. They look at us and shake their heads. They see manufacturers craft bulletproof back packs and shake their heads. Really? they ask. This is what you are choosing for your culture?

Not all of us, yet we are trapped. There’s no way out other than through.

Over the last two years I found myself practicing less and less. Life was too busy and too much and I had to keep going for everyone else and never stopped to fill my own cup.

I no longer knew what phase the Moon was in off the top of my head. I let too many Sabbats pass by without doing anything. I fell off my regular offerings.

Something changed last week. I had a re-invigoration to my practice. I have cleaned and cleansed all three of the shared altar spaces in our home. I have cleaned and cleansed my personal altar.

I have moved my phone charger away from my bed and next to my altar space. This truly became the kryptonite of my practice: I don’t want to meditate this morning so I will just scroll Instagram. Now, I have to approach my Magick space and actively decide I don’t want to do it. Framing it that way feels awful. And if I start my day with Magick then I can carry it through the whole day.

A big part of my burnout healing is doing prep work ahead of time to ensure that I carve out time and space for myself to do what fills my cup. This isn’t about going to the spa and getting pampered. This also isn’t about drinking in the closet to hide from my kids (if anything, it would be cookies and one of them would be hiding too with the other seeking).

Hubby and I continue to walk 2km every evening. (We know it’s 2km because Pokemon 2k eggs hatch on our route from beginning to end). This is a habit we started in 2020 and carry forward with us.

I continue to eat mostly whole foods. This is a habit I started in 2012 and carry forward with me.

I continue to crochet all the time. This is my creative outlet- and offering to Frigg if I should ever remember to offer my energies before I start. This is a hobby I learned from my grandmother as a child and picked up again after she passed. It allows me to connect with her ancestral spirit.

Body – check.

Creativity- check.

But where is my Spiritual self-care?

It’s back!

Beltane Blessings ‘22

We did our first formal ritual since Mabon! Our rituals for Yule, Imbolc, and Ostara were not formal by any means. I think the kids like the formal rituals more, especially when they are as interactive as this one.

We made a Maypole!

Family backyard Maypole. Mama Witch had teal, Witchlette had orange, and Witchling had green.

We went to Lowes and found a 3” diameter 6’ dowel. We got fabric ribbon in our choices of colors. I stapled them to the top. We played pan-flute forest fairy music and danced around the pole. It was joyful.

We started with a glamor then called in the elements. Each of us read a Fae poem and made an offering to the Fae. Then we ribboned the Maypole. After, we held hands and danced around the pole to a second song.

I set up half the yard with our formal ritual candle holders and we blessed the Circle with each of us holding a smudge stick, then a bell or drum, then a smudge stick again. We chose smoke twice to represent the fires of Beltane.

Just behind the South candle, East candle is just out of frame.

Here is our whole ritual:


Heat from the south


Cold from the north


Heat from the south


Cold from the north


Heat from the south


Cold from the North


Fire melts the ice. The water mixes with the heat to make steam. The ice cools the steam to make mist. The mist fills the gap between fire and ice, there there was nothing. Mist of the world from where all life springs.

Fire, ice, mist together: 

We are hidden now in the mist, no longer in this world yet not wholly in the otherworld. We walk the space between, in the mist, blessed by fire and ice.


We call upon the Guardians of the North, the heart of the land. Bless us with your patience and ground us in this moment. Hail and welcome Spirits of Earth. 


We call upon the Guardians of the East, the wisdom of the wind. Bless us with your open communication, that we may be present to hear your message. Hail and welcome Spirits of Air. 


We call upon the Guardians of the South, the purifying flame. Bless us with your passion, lighting our path of inspiration. Hail and welcome Spirits of Fire. 


We call upon the Guardians of the West, the cleansing droplets. Bless us with your refreshing waves and help us to feel and heal our gamut of emotions. Hail and welcome Spirits of Water. 

Song Earth my Body

<Walk around with smoke>

I cast this Circle all around

Consecrating sacred ground

Earth below and sky above

Bless us now with light and love 

Water Sprite and Fire Griffin

As without so within 

<Walk around again with bells>

<Walk around again with smoke>

We in rhymes of 3

As we will it so mote it be. 


O Fairy Queen, upon your white steed,

Within me plant a magic seed.

From you may spring

Many new beginnings.

Great Queen, accept these offerings.


Beloved Folk hidden at night

I call upon Your lovely sight

Moonlight shares your time, divine 

Accept these humble gifts of mine 

So over me your light may shine

Mama Witch:

Fairies from far and wide, 

I offer you a gift, 

Tied up in green for luck, 

And sealed with a kiss. 

I can sense you 

If I’m pure of heart, 

Bless me with good luck 

To boost my Witch’s art.

Maypole dance with forest pan flute music

(Cakes and Ale)


Thank you Water for joining us today. May we continue to embrace all of our emotions. Hail and farewell. 


Thank you Fire for joining us today. May we continue to have balance in all we do.  Hail and farewell. 


Thank you Air for joining us today. May we continue to listen to your messages, whether sent on wind or wing. Hail and farewell. 


Thank you Earth for joining us today. May we continue to be grounded and present in all we do. Hail and welcome Spirits if Earth. 

Song May the Circle be Open


As the mist condenses, we see the land from flesh, the mountains from bone, the rivers from blood, and the stones from teeth. As the mist recedes, we are harkened back to the garden in the middle of Yggdrasil. When the mist evaporates, we are once again fully in our world and no longer between worlds.

Fire: The fire returns to Muspelheim

Ice: The ice returns to Niflheim

Devotional (11/13)

Gifts of the Wyrd podcast recent guest was author Marie Durkan as she discussed her recent Frigg book, explaining her connection to Frigg, Frigg’s role with her handmaidens, and how all of them would have evolved over time. That discussion led to this poem:

Devotional (8 of 13)

Warrior queen

Weaving a loom of end trails

Sky queen

Weaving a tapestry of clouds

Magick queen

Spinning the thread of wyrd

Warband mistress

Fiercely battling

High mistress

Fiercely loyal for

Highest mother

Fiercely protective

Linear existence

In a circular pattern

All faces exist at once

All aspects truth

Midsummer 21

Last night I joined S and S for some amazing Magick. We honored a deity who is personally new to me, but whom I know to be jovial and free of malice. Thor popped in as well. There was some lightning around as the tropical storm finished passing its path over Raleigh, but a cloud formed into Mjolnir passed over the Moon and Thor’s presence was tangible, so we felt safe having a Midsummer fire outdoors.

Before leaving, Witchlette was a bit bummed that I was going to celebrate the evening with friends when I hadn’t done a ritual with her. I began writing one over dinner and we will be performing it this morning before the sun gets too high.

Opening glamor

Ice to the North, Fire to the South (x3)

The fire melts the ice, the ice condenses the steam. The sacred mist is formed where there was nothing. We are cloaked in the mist, no longer in this world but not wholly in the other world. Shrouded by mist we work in the space between worlds.

Quarter calls


Lush green leaves, full bloom flowers, sweet ripe watermelon, all the summer gifts of earth. Thank you for blessing us today. Hail and welcome.


Warm breezes, strong storms, baby birds growing strong, all the summer gifts of air. Thank you for blessing us today. Hail and welcome.


Buzzing dragonflies, long sunny days, scorching sand, all the summer gifts of fire. Thank you for blessing us today. Hail and welcome.


Lapping ocean waves, refreshing mid-day rains, splashing at the pool. all the summer gifts of water. Thank you for blessing us today. Hail and welcome.


All the gifts of summer join us here today. Each piece made of star stuff, each piece divine. We are united in our shared history forged in the oldest of Magicks. Thank you for blessing us today. Hail and welcome.


All around our circle cast. This time and place does it last. A moment in present, future, and past.

In honor of the longest day of the year, we call and honor Frigg.

Ancient Mother, beautiful sundisk

Mother of the light, bride of the wind

Giver of life, mother of all

Matron of the day, mistress of the night

Star keeper, Wyrd weaver

Thank you for bringing us light to balance the darkness of winter and fall.

Offer libations

In honor of the longest day of the year, we call and honor Baldr

Shining son, beautiful light

Favorite sun, favorite friend

Unharmed by all, setting each day to rise again

Baldr the good, noble and true

Blazing from the sundisk, fearlessly shining on a new day

Thank you for bringing us light to balance the darkness of winter and fall.

Give libation

In honor of the longest day, we honor the work of Sunna, riding in her golden chariot across the sky day after day.

Sunna guiding her steed away from Sköll who seeks to devour the sun and set the 9 realms into eternal darkness

We honor you by all your known names through the worlds: Sun, sunshine, Dvalinn’s deluder, everglow, the lovely wheel, all-shining

Thank you for bringing us light and keeping the darkness at bay

Give libation

After the passing of the longest day, each day will slowly grow shorter and the earth will begin to tilt back towards the dark. For now, we enjoy the sun and the summer, and all the joy that comes with it.


Thank you for your unity, return to the stars


Thank you for your refreshing presence, return to the spring


Thank you for your inspiring presence, return to the hearth


Thank you for your communicating presence, return to the clouds


Thank you for your grounding presence, return to the land

The time and place is at an end, well met until we meet again, the circle is open but never broken

As the mist recedes, we find ourselves present in back in our own time and place.

Continued devotions

This evening, after leaving Frigg a Full Moon offering, I penned another devotional. I also wrote her a small haiku a few days ago, which brings my count to 7 of 13 promised works.

Short haiku style for Frigg
A reflection on the Moon and how she is typically seen as Mother aspect, she is all three