Tomorrow’s the Big Day

The first Tuesday in November. Election Day.

Hubby and I treat it as a holiday. We get home from work, change out of our professional costumes, and go vote. Then we go out to eat at our favorite local watering hole.

Fulfill our duties as citizens. Make our opinions heard. Then, support local businesses and boost our local economy. It’s a win-win!

Last year, Witchlette was all bundled up in her baby carrier. This year should be interesting, since she’s a walking, talking big girl. And boy oh boy is she nosey! I plan on having her “help” me complete my ballot. And I will petition for her to get her own sticker when we are through.

The biggies right now, especially in my neck of the woods, is the US Congressional seat.

Kay Hagan or Thom Tillis.

Well, it sure as hell won’t be Tillis.

First, I’m a woman and he is working against women. He is one of the leaders in the “non-existant” war on women. I am also a mother of a daughter. I cannot in good conscience let this mad man set into motion rules that could negatively impact her in the future. While I have never been in a situation where an abortion was called for, I can see many scenarios which should allow for it. If nothing else, the hypocrisy of the government can’t know my business when I want to buy a gun…wait one second, I need to have my nose in your health…is so hypercritical it’s sickening.

Secondly, I’m a teacher. And a mother. I am a public school employee who has been feeling the ill effects of the Republican-led war on education. We need to create jobs, let’s do so by cutting education! What corporations with their right-now, ready-for-the-taking jobs will move here when they see what shit storm they will send their children to, and what shit storms their employees will send their children to? I will be sending my child to public school…the institution that I have seen battered and broken from the inside-out. The institution that is falling by the wayside. Reform is possible, but it won’t be easy. And it sure shootin’ isn’t going to start with the likes of Tillis.

This is for you Tillis.

<img src=”; width=”940″ height=”873″ class=”alignnone” />

What’s more?

“N.C. State political expert Andy Taylor predicts as much as $120 million will be spent on the Hagan-Tillis race come the final tally. It will easily be the most expensive Senate race in the nation’s history.” (ABC11)

That’s disgusting. 120 Million Dollars. $120,000,000.00.

Can you imagine how else this money could be used?

The schools that could be built, renovated, and set in motion to actually <em>teach</em> students, not just push them through. Which is what is happening now, because we “can’t afford” to do anything different.

The infrastructure that could be updated, improved. We are the only developed nation without a high speed rail. Our bridges are crumbling, and are patched over with tiny “bandaids” to hold them up, because we “can’t afford” to fix them.

The people we could feed- those that go hungry every night. We are the only developed nation with a huge population of people who are hungry. Their bodies yearn for nutrition which they can’t afford. And we as fellow humans sit by and allow it to happen, and tell them they need to rely on charity, because we “can’t afford” to feed them.

I call bullshit.


Please, watch this <a href=”; target=”_blank”>video</a>, visit this <a href=”; target=”_blank”>website</a>, get out tomorrow and VOTE.

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